Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Science Fair - Applications of Science in Daily Life - Getting Started

Hello all,

For the final projects, we will be conducting single variable research projects. The theme for the projects will be Applications of Science in Daily Life.

Everyday, we use science in our lives. Science is involved in the fundamental fabric of all that we are and all that we can do.

Just think about some of the questions we have in our lives -
  • Does fast food decompose?
  • Is microwaved water good for us?
  • Is coffee from one store better than from another?
  • Can I save gas if I take a different routes from Macomb to Bushnell?
  • Are organic potatoes better than non organic potatoes at reproducing?
  • Are heirloom seeds better than commercial or GMO seeds for sprouting?
The list could go on for days! Through use of the scientific methods, we can test these questions to try and find answers.

There are some important components to any scientific test, especially one you are going to spend 6 weeks working on.

  1. Are you interested in the project?
  2. Why do you care about the topic?
  3. What do you REALLY want to find out?
  4. What variables do you need to control for?
  5. What variables do you want to compare or test?
  6. What variables might affect your study that you cannot really control for?
  7. Are you able to complete the project in 5-6 weeks?
  8. Can you get a good sample size in that amount of time? (we will talk about sample sizes later)
  9. How are you going to make sure your group members are all involved in the project?
See the official expectations here!

See the dates and expectations for each Check-Point here!

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