Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Chemistry Glossary for Chemical Formulas and Naming

  • Chemical composition (or formula) – the elements that make up a material and the specific ratio the those elements combine in to make that particular compound
  • Coefficients (the large number before the element or molecule) - indicates how many moles (a mass unit) of a particular product or reactant there are in the compound. This number serves as a multiplier for the entire molecule without changing the actual chemical formula 
  • Common name – a name typically in everyday use that does not necessarily indicated the chemicals composition ex: salt
  • Product (in chemistry) - what is created in the reaction as the reactants are used up
  • Reactants (also called reagents) - in chemistry are the substances that are used in a chemical reaction
  • Subscripts (small number following the element or molecule) indicate how many molecules of the particular element or molecule it follows that exist within the compound

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