Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Chemistry- Monatomic Ions Knowledge Quest Questions

Please excuse the funky margins and numbering. This was copied in from Word and I could not get it to translate correctly. 

Name: ______________________ Date: ______________ Class Period: ______________

Knowledge Search Questions
Chapter 7 Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds

1.      How do atoms attain a full outer electron orbital?



2.      What is a monatomic ion?

3.      What are the parts of an atom AND what charge does each part have?



4.      Give the overall charge for the following:
a.      2 electrons and 3 protons =
b.      3 electrons and 3 protons =
c.       1 electron and 3 protons =
d.      4 protons and 2 electrons =
e.      5 protons and 8 electrons =

5.      What is an ion?

6.      What is a cation?

7.      What is an anion?

8.      What is meant by the “noble-gas configuration?”

9.      Explain electron movement (gain or loss) in the following element groups:
a.      Group 1

b.      Group 2

c.       Group 15

d.      Group 16

e.      Group 17

10.  Group 14 elements (C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb) are not as straight forward as the groups discussed in the question above. Explain the d-block atoms as ions.

11.  How are monatomic cations named? Give 3 examples.

12.  How are monatomic anions named? Give 3 examples

13.  In general, what causes atoms to be more or less electronegative?

14.  When does an atom have low electronegativity?

15.  Explain the relationship between monatomic ion charge and electron loss / gain.

16.  Explain the relationship between monatomic ion charge and atom grouping on the periodic table.

17.  Explain how Hydrogen fits into monatomic ions?

18.  Why do some monatomic ions have roman numerals in their names?

19.  Which group of elements could potentially contain roman numerals?

20.  When those elements discussed above form ions, are they cations or anions?

21.  What is the d-block?

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