Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cnidarian WebQuest

Hello all,

This blog is created specifically to bring together all of the blogs related to Cnidarians to serve as a webquest / self learning activity. Below are some key questions to answer while reading the links. Below the questions will be a list of the links. Read all of the information on the outside sources (it is really not that much), and answer the questions.

Happy Discovery!

Answer the following:
  1. Describe Cnidarian diversity; include: Kingdom and phylum names, number of species, and the important taxonomic classes.
  2.  Draw a model to represent the life cycle of Cnidarians. On the model, indicate which type of Cnidarians spends the majority of its life in the polyp stage, and which spends most of its time in the medusa stage.
  3. Describe the body plan of Cnidarians. 
  4. How do the Cnidarians reproduce?
  5. Describe how Cnidarians obtain food and eliminate waste.
  6. Why do many Cnidarians "sting" to touch?
  7. Know the following terms:
    • Niche
    • Medusa
    • Polyp
    • Colonial
    • Nematocysts / cnidocysts
    • Symbiosis
Resources Needed:

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