Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Science Fair - Applications of Science in Daily Life - Check-Points

Applications of Science in Daily Life Science Fair

Due Dates:

April 4th (start of class) - Your group should have submitted your 3 possible questions to test as a reply to the post on Edmodo.

  • Choose 3 interesting and curious events in your daily life
  • These should be testable questions
  • The questions should have specific wording - to "see which is better" does not tell us what "better" means, how do you measure "better?"
April 4th (end of class) - Write up a proposal in a blog and post the link to the blog in a reply to the Edmodo post on the Proposal.

  • Choose who will start the blog account
  • Pick your top choice that no other group has test selected
  • Your group will write up a paragraph in the blog answering the following questions:
  1. What is your research question?
  2. Why do you care about this?
  3. Why do this study? - convince me that this project just HAS to be done
  4. What are your variables you want to change?
April 9th / 10th (before the start of your science class) - Formal purpose blog. Post the link on the Purpose post on Edmodo.

  • This should be written in paragraph form
  • Define your research question specifically
  • How will you test this - I am not asking you to define your materials and methods yet, just describe what how you are going to try to answer your question?
  • What variables are you going to control for?
  • Are there any variables you might not be able to control, and how might you account for those?
  • What single variable will you change for test A?
  • What single variable will you change for test B?
  • What data will you need to collect to answer this question? (will you take pH, temperature, activity level, days until germination, days until hatching, days until decomposition)
  • Why does the world care - how will this answer be beneficial or important? - will you save money? time? will you produce more?
  • What do you expect to learn from this project?
April 11th (by the end of class - you will ONLY have about 35 minutes in class on this) - Materials and Methods formal write up in a blog. Post the link on the Materials and Methods post on edmodo. 
  • What is your time frame for the project?
  • What materials will you need? 
  • Make your recipe- think about how much of everything you want to use (this might need to be altered as you really start digging in due to unforeseen constraints, but for now you want a starting idea)
  • Remember, you have to control all the variables, meaning that everything in each of the 3 tests will have be done under the same conditions. You will only change ONE variable from that standard control in each of the 2 changed variable tests. 
  • You will need at least 20 repetitions or samples for EACH of the 3 tests (a total of 60 samples minimum)
  • How will you collect your data - what will you do to get your measurements, to figure out what is "better" or "more durable" or whatever your question pertains to.

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