Thursday, March 27, 2014


Hello Everyone!
I have created this site, as I find that it can be really hard to find web resources about information I want to use in class. With NGSS up and coming, and many schools with poor budgets for lab materials and specimens, I have found that there is a gap in getting comprehensive inquiry based investigations about topics that do not easily lend themselves to labs. I know there are likely not many schools with access to the ocean, elaborate salt water aquariums,  well preserved specimens of sponges, jellyfish, or even prepared slides made within the last 20 years! And, the school I am at not, cannot even afford a 20 minute drive to have a small class (11 students) visit a hospital for our anatomy unit.
So, thus is my mission to make the resources I find and the activities I prepare more available to other teachers and to the students in the classroom. During that mission, I hope that individuals who use this site provide feedback on the resource and share other useful resources that they find along the way!
Happy Discovery!
Ms. Stenger

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